ICEEL understands that it takes more than a vision and dynamism to take challenge of INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT, HRM, ICT, EXCISE etc course and this extra bit is our support and so ICEEL has created Franchisee Support System (FSS) assisting aspirants to take our franchisee from starting stage till end (pre-start up support to post-start up support system). We will take full responsibility and support in providing assistance to our franchisee business partners from beginning like selection of location, training, marketing etc. Our FSS is a constant process of up gradation based on feedbacks received from existing franchisees and market.
Site Selection & Starting a Centre support will be provided. ICEEL will guide its franchisees in selection of site / location for Centre and also would assist in set up of lay out, architect, design, etc of the office set up.
A. Training:
Irrespective of franchisee’s background or experience, ICEEL will provide our franchisee partner all necessary training initially and periodically if needed to make sure that staff of our franchisee partner keep on increasing their working efficiency and skill.
ü Franchise Orientation Program (FOP) & Training:
Franchisee orientation program will be held for training the franchisee and its key personnel at suitable place. The FOP aims at helping the franchisee understand the professional courses that they are going to conduct along with transferring the knowledge that was gathered by the company and thus facilitating the franchisee in development of orientation to the business that they are going to start joining with us and thus developing that apt mindset to be reflect to the students / aspirants / market.
ü Counselor & Staff Training for Curriculum:
Curriculum training will be imparted to faculties / teachers if needed on an ongoing basis but generally ICEEL will appoint its own teachers / faculties and will not hire faculties at franchisee centres so that consistency and quality in education can be maintained.
ü Marketing, Advertising etc Support:
There are two types of marketing, advertising; One Centralized and Second Local. We support our franchisee in both the ways. We accept all responsibilities and funding for centralized marketing through all medias including all social medias. For local marketing, promotion, advertising, we share the cost with franchisee partner. Above that we support our franchisee on management of their events, seminars, workshops, presentations, business fairs, local advertisements etc.
B. Operational Manuals:
Franchisee will be provided with Operational Manual - which will help franchisee to construct the ICEEL courses smoothly. Such manual will include:
ü Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
ü Rules & Regulations to follow by the franchisee including dos – don’t
ü Activities to DO & DON’Ts
ü Measures & procedures to follow
ü Guidelines to observe
Operational Manual is to ensure efficient running of franchisee centre and franchisee will have to abide by it, breach of which will be taken as violation of terms & conditions and will be considered as basis to cancel the franchisee centre / contract. Changes done in such manual will be advised to the franchisee centre.
C. Supply of Study Materials:
ICEEL will provide the required study material for those students who enroll in the course, cost of which if any is to be borne by the franchisee.
D. Curriculum:
The curriculum for all programs will be provided online on ICEEL website and if need be will be provided in the printed form on payment basis. To stay update with market, ICEEL will keep on updating it curriculum for different course. Audio visual if any will be available on ICEEL YouTube channels.
E. Marketing & Promotion Support:
ICEEL will provide requisite marketing support to promote various programs at franchisee centre through regional / national platforms, yellow pages etc. Sales & Marketing tools (brochures, leaflets, posters, audio visual aids) as and when developed will be sent to the franchisee. ICEEL will also share marketing cost with franchisees.
ICEEL encourages an open exchange of ideas between the Company and its franchisees. As an ICEEL’s franchisee, you will experience an unique relationship with the Company - one that is unparalleled in the Education industry. ICEEL’s leadership position continues to be built on a level of mutual respect and partnership between the Company and its franchisees.
ü Location survey report
ü Franchise manual
ü Franchise Agreement / MOU copy
ü Operation Manual with Rule & regulations / Terms & Conditions
ü Marketing tools explanation Handbook
ü Rate card for material
ü Student kit sample – 1+1
ü Pens
ü Card board files
Note :-
1. This welcome kit will be provided once to the franchise when agreement would be done.
2. Other material like - Admission forms, Receipt books, Admission kit etc will be purchased by franchisee from the company.