WordPress is the most elegant open source CMS on the market for a website. ICEEL widely uses WordPress Development Services for the development of interactive websites and web applications. Hence, the WordPress Development services provides a platform where a non-technical person manages the entire website from the back end.
Wordpress has been undoubtedly the most preferred development platforms for the development of highly responsive and scalable websites offering result oriented features, easy integration, ease of set-up, installation, use and maintenance.
Whether you are looking to modify an old website or want to build a new website from the scratch, our years old experienced developer team has all the coding knowledge to infuse the customization into it, as per your needs.
Do you want services for tested and proven technologies to develop highly interactive websites that would run effectively on the Wordpress CMS? You are at right place.
We provide wordpress theme development from scratch and modification of existing theme. No matter what adjustments and customization you are looking for.
Do you want customize plugin development for your wordpres website? We can customize bespoke Wordpress plugins to make your ideas come true.
We can design for you first of all PSD (Photoshop design) and then convert it into WordPress, so that your dreams come to reality.
Depending on your business needs, we can assist you to select the best plugins to enhance functionality of your website without compromising site speed.
By our regular maintenance and support, we will keep upgrading your website to the latest version, and also will secure it by eliminating the malware and virus attacks.
Your company is truly upstanding and is behind its production 100%. ICEEL is the most valuable business resource we have EVER purchased. It's exactly what I've been looking for.
Raquela T.
Dude, your stuff is the bomb! This is simply unbelievable! Nice work on your ICEEL. It's the perfect solution for our business." I would be lost without ICEEL. ICEEL did exactly what you said it does.
Paula B.
ICEEL is exactly what our business has been lacking. I would like to personally thank you for your outstanding team work. Thanks ICEEL! We were treated like royalty.
Gerard X.
It really saves me time and effort. ICEEL is exactly what our business has been lacking. I like ICEEL more and more each day because it makes my life a lot easier.
Derrol B.
Thank you for making it painless, pleasant and most of all hassle free! ICEEL is worth much more than I paid. ICEEL is both attractive and highly adaptable. I just can't get enough of ICEEL.
Hall I.
You've saved our business! If you want real marketing that works and effective implementation - ICEEL's got you covered. If you aren't sure, always go for ICEEL. ICEEL has got everything I need. You guys rock!
Bell K.