
Best International Business Management Training Institute, Import Export Learning Academy & Exim Education Classes in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India (ICEEL Mumbai)

 Hello Amchi Mumbai ..... !!!!!

 Enroll in any of our International Trade coaching course & get mastery over Import Export Business.

 Looking for Export Import, Customs Clearing and Freight Forwarding, Shipping and Logistics etc courses in Mumbai? ICEEL Mumbai will be your full stop solution to study any course on Foreign Trade Management in Mumbai.

 ICEEL Mumbai offers Practical Job Training oriented Coaching Courses in Global Trade Education to get you mastery in Global Business.

Our study center provides range of educational teaching programs including : Post Graduate Diploma, certificate, Diploma, PGD, Masters, Online, Correspondence, Distance, Open learning etc.


 No organization can have their own offices in all cities or in different good locations of any big city like Mumbai and so we also wish to tie up with others in those cities where we don’t have our own offices. For expansion in different cities / different regions of the any big city like Mumbai, tie ups with other existing classes, academies, institutions or corporates in Mumbai is must. So, we offer business opportunities to existing classes, academies, institutions or corporate in Mumbai by getting associated with us in different ways as under:

 1. By Sharing Your Premises in Mumbai (during your free / idle time): We want to tie up with existing classes, academies, institutions, corporate in Mumbai who wants to share their classes, office, board rooms, conference room with us and want to earn out of it giving it to us during their spare, extra or free time when they are not using it. If you have any such premises (classes, office, board rooms, conference room) with capacity of 10 to 20 people with TV / projector, AC, Internet, washroom etc facilities in any good locations of Mumbai which is unoccupied / free (more preferable) during weekends (whole day) or during week days (in evening between 6.00 to 9.00 p.m or 7.00 – 8.30 p.m), you can earn out of it if you let us use it during your free time for which we will pay you. Thus, you can earn locational premium of your existing premises in Mumbai which is unoccupied / free for few hours in a week where we can conduct our programs / batches.

 2. Franchisee Business Opportunity in Mumbai Or By Offering Any Other Revenue Sharing Way: We also invite franchisee or other revenue sharing models with the potential entrepreneurs of Mumbai or with others who want to increase their revenue by sharing their resources with us like time, knowledge, money or premises in good locations in Mumbai.

 Thus, all ways are open to join with the people of Mumbai in like:

- by creating employment for them either by making them competent for job in Mumbai or anywhere,

- by making them self employed professionals like agent / consultant / indent in Mumbai for export import business,

- by business entrepreneurship in Mumbai (boss of their own by making them exporter / importer),

- by offering them educational franchisee business opportunity for Mumbai or any region of Mumbai or

- by providing them earnings by any other revenue sharing model in Mumbai.


Running & Up-Coming Courses / Seminars

Our upcoming or running courses / Batches / seminars / webinars / events relating to Import Export etc..Click here ..

Special (Unique) Courses

We are the 1st to start & pioneer for some of EXPORT IMPORT COURSES which are available PAN - INDIA on request

General Courses in Mumbai


Some of the services that we offer in Mumbai

Exim Advisory & Consultancy Services in Mumbai

We will provide advisory or consultancy services concerned with EXPORT IMPORT to any individual or company in Mumbai

Export Import Agent (Indent) Services

We will provide our indent services to individuals or companies in Mumbai in their Export Import business who want us to work as their Import Export Agent / Indent. We can work as your Export Agent or Import Agent.


We can provide the services of B2B, B2C, B2G, G2G etc liasoning either to Indian or overseas firms.

Why is ICEEL the best International Business Management Training Institute in Mumbai?

You have serveral reasons to select ICEEL ACADEMY as best Exim Learing Classes to our competitors

Hey Mumbai .. !!
See What Our Students say about US

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