Ø Customs Act 1962
Ø Customs Valuation & Assessments
Ø ITC(HS) or HSN codes and its Analysis
Ø Calculation of Customs Duty and Duty calculator
Ø KYC norms for Customs House Agent - CHA
Ø Practical Training on Customs Clearance Documentations like Shipping Bill, Bill of Entry etc.
Ø Different situations of Customs Clearance Procedure by Case study analysis
o Export by Factory stuffing & Dock Stuffing
o Export of Warehoused goods without payments of duty
o First Check procedure & second Check Procedure in Import
o Export on re-import and Import on Re-export
Ø Customs Procedure: Conversion of shipping Bills, Unclear goods (Unclaimed by buyer), Warehoused goods (In-bond & Ex-bond)
Ø Drawback under Section 74, Section 75
Ø Power of customs like Search, Seizure, confiscation & Arrest in case of any mis-appropriation
1. Cargo selling effectively.
2. Planning & understanding the needs of your clients.
3. Prepare data inputs.
4. Major sea routes in the world.
5. Unitization.
· Shipping Line / Air Lines.
· Freight Forwarders and NVOCC.
· Customs House Agent – CHAs.
· ICD Authority from Government.
· Customs Officers / Authority.
· Central Excise Officer / Authority.
· Insurance company.
· Marine Survey and surveyors.
· CFS Officials and Authority.
· MTO.
1. B/L – Bill of Ladding (MBL & HBL), Switch bill of lading and its procedure, quasi negotiable quality of B/L, terms in B/L like In order /In Order To/In order of etc, amendments Procedure in B/L.
2. How Airway bill, Seaway bill & Bill Of lading are different?
3. Delivery terms & their effect on B/L condition.
4. Meaning of Notify party & Consignee in B/L
5. Getting goods without original B/L
6. File IGM / EGM / Boat note and amendments Procedure
1. High sea sale Documentation & Procedure
2. Detection changes and its calculation
3. Demurrage charges and its calculation
4. Documents required for DO - Delivery order (DO first & DO second )
5. Transit Bond & Transshipment
6. Freight Calculation in Air shipments (actual weight and Volumetric weight ), Sea shipments (actual weight / CBM calculation)
7. How to do Negotiation of Freight & Freight Structure
8. Cargo Consolidation
9. DG Goods - Dangerous goods (chemicals, petroleum etc)
10. Application of Terminal Handling Charges & Inland Haulage charges